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Growth: 2021 Word of the Year

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My 2020, much like everyone else’s, was a dumpster fire of a year… It felt like a perpetual groundhog day – and also like I blinked and it was over. I’m not going to blame ALL of my 2020 on the lack of selecting a WOTY…but it sure didn’t help the situation.

I don’t feel like I did much last year – like I don’t have much to show for my 2020 {except for maybe that book I wrote…but if we’re being honest, all the really hard stuff was done in 2019.} Basically, I thought about starting a lot of home improvement products, daydreamed of traveling the country in a Class B RV, reinvigorated my love for sitting on the sofa for 8 hours straight, and built up my alcohol tolerance…

While, logically, I completely understand that just surviving 2020 was a big accomplishment (and one refused to many around the world) – emotionally I’m realizing I didn’t do much BUT survive.

So, in 2021 I’m really going to focus on being better, accomplishing something, and GROWING!

But what does that mean to me? Well, I intend to grow in ALL areas of my life (except for my waistline – that’s gonna shrink in 2021…):

  • Sharing Solace will grow {obvi} because I am LASER focusing on our mission of helping grievers grieve and lovers love their griever.
  • I’m continuing to grow my knowledge of resilience, happiness, grief, gratitude, and mindful presence for my own personal benefit and mental health {…that I then intend to distill into my first program/experience launching in May (happy birthday Madelyn) that I’m calling ‘Feel your F’ing Feels‘}
  • I’m growing out of my physical comfort zone by being intentional with how I choose to move my body and consume my food {the #Covid15 was not kind to me}
  • We’re growing the reach and impact of our mission by offering more services and online resources {Like our brand new Grievers Around the World Interactive Map – have you seen it?}

Do you select a word of the year? Do you set new year resolutions? How do you plan to be better {however you define it} in 2021? Share in the comments, or head over to the forums for the conversation. Here’s to an awesome 2021!


2 thoughts on “Growth: 2021 Word of the Year

    • 2021 filmler

    Hi, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this article.

    • Brittney Prock

    I like your word, GROWING.
    I definitely feel like I need that.
    I feel the need to do better for myself, Danika, and our Family.

    I might just steal your idea of GROWING as my WOTY


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